
Katkyn, s.r.o.

Račianska 88 B,
831 02 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto,
Slovak Republic

Company ID: 54 684 790, Tax ID: 2121813067
The company is registered in the Business Register of the Bratislava I. District Court,
Odd: SRO, File no.: 163551/B

Wholesale sales

Katkyn, s.r.o.
Račianska 88 B,
831 02 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto,
Slovak Republic

Company ID: 54 684 790, Tax ID: 2121813067, VAT Reg No: SK2121813067
The company is registered in the Business Register of the Bratislava I. District Court,
Odd.: SRO, File no.: 163551/B

Where to find us?

Store and Contacts

Katkyn, s.r.o.
Areál Istrochem
Vajnorská 127/C,
831 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Mobile: +421 944 627 725
Mobile: +421 904 801 759

If you have any questions, please use the following Contact Form. If you wish to contact us to return a product, please use the following Product Return Form.

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